Mary Ellen Simmons RMT, HT, LAA, OD

* Usui Reiki Master (RMT) 
* Karuna Master (RMT) 
* Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (HT) 
* Licensed Auricular Acupuncturist (LAA)
* Comprehensive Energy Psychology
* Aromatherapy
* Chakra Balancing
* Acute Homeopathy
* Ordained Minister (OM) 

Mary Ellen’s abilities as an empath and psychic medium allow her to see what is needed for each client. She has combined different healing arts like Reiki, Karuna, Clinical Hypnosis along with other techniques that address many ailments; this way she can customize treatments which will be most effective on you!

You may not know why someone else feels better after their session but it just might make sense when looking at all these tools put together… There are few things more satisfying than witnessing someone turn around because your work made them feel whole once again–I love helping people find peace within themselves while also learning how they

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